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  • No deposit of abrasive particles when the drums are stored.
  • Easy to be removed from the tooth surfaces due its washability.
  • Easy to be poured due its tight container ( 60 kg uncoverable barrel, 230 kg uncoverable drum and 1000 kg PVC container )
  • Sidlap is available in grit sizes from 150 to 400 F. E. P. A. standards.

Normally used for applications where high quality in the tooth surface refinement is required.

Normally used for vehicle and M/C tool spiral and hypoid bevel gears.

Normally used for heavy duty vehicle spiral and hypoid bevel gears.

RAMA internet service
Lappersid Srl - Via Grecale, 18 - 48012 - Bagnacavallo (RA) - Tel. +39 0545.64.619  Fax +39 0545.62.670 - P.IVA 07320670636 - info@lappersid.it